Category Archives: Love Seat

Last Chapter … Me vs. Sexual harassment.

Thank you for joining me .. You’re just in time to watch the conclusion of my journey. If you haven’t familiarized yourselves with what’s going on, I will enlighten you. First, take a look down below at my long sad video.  That is, if you can get through it. Remember …This is when I was losing my best friend & feeling sorry for myself. However, I have to keep it pushing. Not me alone, but me and my help. We’ll get into that later. For now, check out the video.



Now that you’ve gotten yourselves up to date. This is where you all come in. That was about two years ago. Although just like I mentioned in the video … No attorney would take my case. So, I struck out on my own. Bottom line. My case was dismissed without prejudice because of those dreaded fees again. They said my spouse could cover it all.

Okay. Is this a blessing or a curse? Now that this has torn my family apart, a marriage after 38 years. My husband has thrown in the towel. So, I have filed a new motion to reopen. Let’s see what happens now. Stick around and walk with me. I’ll keep you all posted. Also, if you can please support me by donations or purchasing a copy of my book. It would truly be appreciated.

Come Back Soon … and watch how this play out.


It has been a long haul. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all this will soon come to a closing. Speak up and don’t hold back …  Please.  Tell your story.

               “THAT WOULD BE A NO”




Okay … TMC had to give some reply’s about this video.  Check it out.

Being Pro Black has nothing to do with Killing your Mother.  That person needed help, he has serious Mental Problems and too many of us think we don’t have to get our love ones help when they have a mental crisis.  People who don’t want to be Pro Black and they are Black, are nothing more than Scared Negroes and this is something I will be talking about on my YouTube Channel.
No. You’re missing my point BOB with the pro-black, white and everything else I gave an example of. In other words, … Why focus on flesh, when in turn we allow evil doing to kill off each other. That was a spiritual focus for the soul. Nothing to do with color. To tell you the truth … Hatred is hatred. Both are “Mental Illness” to me.
I don’t know I think it’s more to the story, you must understand mental illness is not a joke, ppl have inner demons that they’re dealing with. And either can’t or don’t know how to ask for help, I don’t think it has anything to do with color, I think ppl are lost and in that feel like they’re in a black hole and  don’t know how to ask for help, I think some ppl have to deal with the outside forces for a person to call on God, then once you have him in your life you can deal with anything, but I think you have to get through the noise to realize you need him in your life, you have to call on him first, and I think with mental illness, it’s treated differently, if you had a gunshot wound,  ppl would get you to a doctor bc you see it, with mental illness, sometimes ppl don’t take it seriously bc sometimes you can’t physically see it or touch it, and with all the attention some of the stigma of mental illness will be abolished.
TMC @ Sandra & BOB:
You both are right none of what I said has to do with color. It was just a mere example of how we today are focused on the wrong things. However, at the same time these types of “Satanic Acts” are closing in on our world. Not just this incident. Look around us, it’s all over.

                  Things Have Changed !!!  Time to Seek and Speak!!!


W.P.W.S (why postal workers snap)
Bibical Study Guides





Is Brian Carn a false Prophet?


Check this out then see what’s considered from the Couch.

Miz Justice: I keep telling people, and I will shout it from every mountaintop, that Brian Carn is a FALSE PROPHET!! I don’t know what other proof they need. Stop letting this man rob you and seduce you into attending his events. He just wants to get you there so he can get your money.

TRE MAN: Is this true? Man I want believe this.


Miz Justice: TRE MAN unfortunately, this is a very true story.

ancel19612 : Miz Justice…WOW…This was a great catch.  Brian Carn must believe Cheryl Lynn is his lord.  That guy and his followers are nuttier than Fruit Cakes.

TRE MAN: Sad situation.

ancel19612 : Miz Justice…You’re doing a good job of warning people about Brian Carn and other Pulpit Pimps … Keep in mind though, there will always be real live people who behave the same as the character (Cypher from The Matrix film). These real life Cypher’s will fiercely fight your every attempt to wake them from their delusional worlds.

Sandy: That Is Not GOD! It’s Not Your Assignment or Your Calling to Do So! You’re Already Walking in Error! Stop For Destruction Hits You! Pray For Your Brothers And Sisters! Not Kill And Prey In Them! Bye Lost Soul/Child.

Miz Justice: Please provide scripture for what you are saying. Otherwise, please have a seat. You make absolutely no sense.

Sandy: Girl You More Than Anybody Needs To Go Take A Seat! Your Video Don’t Make No Sense! She Could Of Copy Him And Then You Post It. Bye! LOST Is Where You AT.  BYE SMH.  All You Killing People With “False Prophet” What Else Is On Trial.

Miz Justice: It only makes no sense to the ignorant. But we have already been over this. Have a nice life.

Israel : Miz Justice you have no idea what you’re helping promote in the spirit realm. Satan is MAD!!!! And you are being used to cause division and DISTRACTION. I pray God opens your spiritual eyes!

Keith: Miz Justice you can’t believe everything you see on TV. If you are truly a child of God you must use discernment and not make assumptions just because of what is on social Media. The devil and prophesy however he had different’ motives. The psychic uses money however Carn cares about the ministry of God. This is all Spiritual Girl and you have to see that. The Devil is tricky don’t believe this. But know the man for yourself instead of Social Media!

Pistol: Miz Justice Please continue to post stuff. I am a Christian and I am fully behind you, there is nothing wrong with what you’re doing, we need more people like you. IDKY other Christian are against you. THE BIBLE TELL US TO TRY THE SPIRIT…. TIME TO WAKE UP.

Mel G: Miz Justice Jer 23:25-29 (NIV) I saw your post on FB and never heard of this guy. Watching it made me sick. There are so many false prophets. I suppose this guy is running out of ideas of his own and following mediums now to fool people. You want to hear a true man of god… Pastor Ford in Chicago.

NB: I don’t care to go checking dates, but it’s VERY clear since it’s just about word for word that someone is copying. If someone is idolizing Carn, they aren’t going to want  to believe this no matter what proof is presented. But most importantly whether he made this serious mistake or not we need to PRAY FOR HIM, and not get caught in gossip.

So …What ‘s my  closing opinion?


Elaine: I say remember Proverbs 6:16-19  Mainly … Sowing discord among brethren being an abomination.   Let me explain something to you all.  It really doesn’t matter who spoke the words first.  What makes the difference is …Did the prophecy come to pass?  Check those facts and realize no man can predict Father God words.  Whom he uses to deliver is always the souls which are in his will.  Some see the clairvoyant as false prophets…but both spoke the prophecy of God.  So please…Be very careful when judging or pointing the finger at God’s  disciples.   Because we really don’t know whom they are.  This is just one last  thought from the “Couch”.




When Light Turns to Darkness



Only reason I’m doing this is because I’ve given up on what I called my God. When you hurt from an angle and nothing comes from that hurt, but hurt. What is faith? Here it is. I am a mother of two girls. One is only 21 and is severely schizophrenic. The other is 26 and decided she wanted to be a Lesbian. Now I find myself in & out of the hospital, suffering from what the doctors can’t even diagnose. Assuring me (we’ll try this or we’ll try that) but never giving me a straight answer to what’s making me feel like I’m dying every month. Most people tell me to pray. What a joke. At one point it’s all I had …Until I realized I was making a fool of myself. So tell me couch, this has been going on for three years. How do I take this pain away? Fix that.


Can we get some answers for this distressed Mother … from the “Couch”

Mark: Pray about it and turn it over to the Good Lord and leave it with him because once you have done that it’s not for you to deal with or worry about anymore.  He, will work it out. Ijs

Janice : Have Mercy Father! You’re not alone! Christians (those who call Jesus their Lord and have accepted Him as their savior) are NOT exempt from trouble, heartache, pain, grief, etc. and all that this world brings. Jesus said so! He also said to take courage, He has overcome the world! This is not our home but we react as though it is. God’s promises are true and real and His grace is amazing. God’s Holy Word provides comfort, rest, peace and hope! When I’m going thru these momentary afflictions and discomfort (some by choices I’ve made, some not), I’ve learned and are still learning to take my focus off of the problem, no matter how severe and bad the problem is (death, sickness, financial, emotional), surrender it all to God cause I can’t do anything about it. I’ve learned to trust God in everything. It’s also beneficial to be connected to other believers who’ll be there for and with you. This life isn’t easy. But God who is rich in mercy, will take your sadness and heartache, and replace them with His peace! Spend time with God in His word (even in this) and watch Him change you, your focus and give you a new perspective. Your circumstances may not change immediately, but you’ll see yourself and most importantly God in a whole new way and fall deeply in love with Him cause He’s the only one who sees you, your worth and value and despite everything you’re going through, He still have plans and a future for you, one with hope!

Derrick : Sister, you of all people should understand stubborn children. They can be so hard to maintain. I was a stubborn child.  I learned that a hard head will make a soft butt. So …Now you don’t want to come in the house! Because you stubborn? Father don’t play that..! He will take your play things, to put you in order. Sister just go back in the house and see what Father want. I bet you will get fed and a good cleaning and put to bed for some much needed rest. Don’t give up on us. Give up on that which continues to forsake you. Our Heavenly Father is Alfa and Omega and you know he is a jealous God. Jesus will walk you back in. HE IS MY BIG BROTHER.

Barbara: All praise to our LORD, & SAVIOR CHRIST JESUS!!!! When you speak of giving up on GOD? #1 he’ll never give up on you! GOD is all knowing, & all seeing!! When we find ourselves in hurting pain that we can’t see clearly from day- to-day? That’s when faith steps in! That’s when u stand like the tree planted by the river of living waters. Remember how Mary, & Martha was so mad because JESUS took so long to get there b4 their brother died? He knew what they were going thru. The hurt, pain of him dying. He wept with them because he could feel their hearts & knew they had lost faith. I often wonder why we claim faith. Do we take it back to heaven with us? Or walk with it knowing no weapon formed against us will prosper! We serve a MIGHTY GOD!!!!You say both daughters are bound by spirits? All you can do is cast them out in the name of JESUS, & anoint them! Both are grown & accountable for their on sins now! Talk to your GOD & tell him how you tried to raise them in CHRIST! Tell him how he said in his word when he saved you he would save your seeds!!!! Talk to your GOD!!!! But! U also remember that with the same measure of faith he gave you? He gave them also!!!!! They have to go thru the fire, the same as we all did! Raise a child in the way they should go & they’ll never depart. What your children need now is your faith, & strength more than ever! Who’s going to pray better than a mother for her children? The prayers of a mother stops heaven! The doctors can’t diagnose you because it’s spiritual pain! U need to let go & let GOD! There’s a blockage that you have created when you took your eyes off of your GOD! Satan’s trying to kill, steal, &destroy your family!!!!! If you walk away from your GOD? You take away your covering! Look @ your situation when you let go? Not a funny joke anymore? Look to the hills your help is coming from the GOD, you gave up on for such a time as this. The bible say only a fool would believe there is no GOD. So that’s the time fool would come into play? Never 4gt prayer changes things! I will keep your family in prayer. GOD bless you!


Allen: I’m like this u calling on everybody answer but the only answer u need going to come from God. Now people can say what they want like me; but THE HEAVENLY FATHER is your answer and only answer. When we all go through something it’s a check from God, so talk back with him he loves it. Peace n God Bless!! (Don’t give up).

Audrey: Prayers for you sweetie pie.

Beverly: Sis your situation is understandably frustrating and hurtful for you, nothing hurts worse than to see your children hurt or gone astray. But It is in these trying times that our faith is measured to show our trust and love for God, these are the times that we hold on to what we have professed(faith) and Gods word, that we know to be true, as it was when all was going well. Will you still love me if I don’t answer your prayer right away? Will you still praise me? Has my ever lovingness kindness gone away? Am I not worthy of praise, honor, and glory in the good times and the bad times? Our heavenly father has left here for us his word as well the comforter. His word speaks to us saying “I will NEVER leave you or forsake you”. Come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest. (Matthew11:28)Cast your cares unto me for I care for you (1Peter5:7). Yeah tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me (23Psalms). You see my sister the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, casting Down imaginations and Everything high that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2Corinthians10:4). The word of God is our weapon combined with faith, to overcome any situation we have to face in life. But you have to be a Christian in order to receive these benefits. And if you are not, it sounds like to me it’s time to try Jesus. I did hear you say that you have given up on what YOU call God, I’m not sure of who you call God but, may I offer you who I call God? Because in him are all these benefits, just call on his name, his name is Jesus, receive him as your personal Lord and Savior and he will give you rest, in him. And if you have already accepted him as your Lord and Savior then don’t give up on him because he has not given up on you. Ask him to show you how to deal with what is going on in your life right now, because you do know that the devil is a liar and he came to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t let him win, just keep the faith with all belief knowing that it will work out for your good. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Charlotte: All I can say is you must be one powerful woman of God. Because Satan hates you and is using those closest to you to render you non effective for the kingdom of God. He knows that his time is up here on earth and he is trying to take as many of God’s children with him as he can or at least leave them so paralyzed with fear and anger that they are non-effective for the kingdom of God. Sister, I know you hurt and it’s ok. God made us emotional beings. But it’s not about you! The enemy is attacking your babies, Jesus, and you are supposed to be angry, but channel that anger in the right direction. Be angry at the real enemy. Go into your prayer closet and cry out for the angels to come to your defense! Believe it or not when we pray you send out a mighty cry for help into the spiritual realm. The word of God say he can do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ask or think, according to the power that works in you. You have power!! Use it!! This is not the time to turn on God. If you serve the true and living God, he has equipped you for such a time as this. I will be praying you strength in the Lord.

What can I add?

Elaine: Not too much behind  a “couch panel” as powerful  and anointed as these great answers.  First of all … Repent and get back in good standing with Father God.  Next  get the oil of our people (Olive Oil) bless it and anoint you & your babies in the name of the … Father, Son, and  the Holy Spirit.  Ask anything  evil or not of God out of your bodies and back to where it come from…. Thankfully in Jesus name. 

Sometimes what we see as situations are not always hopeless.  As for your younger daughter  seems she has become somewhat imbalanced. Since  this has been going on  already for three years it could be a good place to start an evaluation.  Seek to find  the underlining cause of such changes.    Ask meekly  and have faith Father God will reveal it to you.  Trust him.  He will unlock the truth.  Remember (Hebrews 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. 

As for the older child you have to  understand that people make choices which they have to live with.  Many times we judge from “Our eyes”.  Her  sexual preference and lifestyle as an  adult  you  have no control over.  Stop beating yourself up.  Please …Embrace her for whom she is.  If anything else is meant to be it will bloom.  When you find peace of mind …there will be peace within.  Be patient and continue to love Father God, your children and yourself.   There will be a change.  It is always hope here on the “Couch”.


One Man Loves Her… Another Man Hates Her … The Black Women

Here are some interesting facts about two black men that have two different opinions concerning the black female. Tommy Sotomayor has a great deal to articulate about the black women.  He feels she has become the scum of the earth, how she is less than a person and he deems she is defective for the black man.

brown suga : how come you always talking about women wearing weave it isn’t nothing wrong with that. As long as you classy with it. Cause you can still be classy and presentable even though you wearing weave and long as you not being loud and ghetto.

Margo : She looks like a HARD 28- 30 year old. I looked younger than her when I was 27. Some of us black folks look older than our actual age.

Philly man: I am a big fan of Tommy but there is one thing that I disagree with…black women wearing weaves and/or lashes to make themselves look presentable: I feel that if some black women didn’t straighten and/or wear weave, they couldn’t compete with other women when dating. White women get implants, injections and tans for whatever reasons and this being America, we are bombarded with images of beauty who have long flowing hair and long lashes. When I see a woman with a weave on, I don’t automatically think she’s a beastie.

Caius: Tommy, the beasts (swine) and dogs are all in it together. Think of it as a spiritual conspiracy. That is, they must come to the defense of their own kind. That is why the dogs come to harass you, at the behest of the beasts. The dogs and the beasts are on the same team. The problem is when a person gets caught in the clutches of a beast or a dog. That is when there is a problem. The beasts and the dogs do not want others to know the truth about them. They don’t want the light shined upon them. They cannot change. Beasts are incapable of change, because they are dumb animals by definition. Therefore their only choice is to attack the messenger. The message itself is the truth.

Mark: About time black people start telling other blacks to straighten up and quit being stupid. We whites can’t say anything because then it’s a hate thing.  It’s a sad situation that the black population has been destroyed by behavior unfitting the human race.  Whites need to straighten up too.

Nihilistic: Black women are always jealous of us White girls. Their men want us.   Their men hate them.  I win!

sunsonsonsun :To hear the black female tell it, ” black women have black men’s back”. HAHAHAHA, MOST black females stand behind black men TO STAB US IN THE BACK. I, for one, never wanted a women to have my back; I NEED A WOMAN TO STAND AT MY SIDE. Since NO BLACK FEMALE SPEAKS ABOUT STANDING AT A BLACK MAN’S SIDE, they have NO CLUE about “having a black man’s back.”


On the other hand, there is Dr. Sebi who claim to hold the cure for aids as well as many other diseases. He credits all his successes towards the black woman.  So tell me, as you draw your own conclusion … Who do you agree with? 

Barbara : I did it!! I was a vegetarian for 30 yrs., not good enough, got severe diabetes, then bitten by Hobo last year, became vegan, getting better, but have macular? Degeneration now, must have surgery, hold my head down for a week after surgery. Always had eye problems since birth. I am a professional singer, good lungs, and you are right; just began elimination like my 16 yr. old granddaughter! So happy. I put your video on all my sites. I am also into politics. Hope you don’t mind…I’m Irish w/ green eyes…skin is clearing up!! I look great for 65 yrs old!  5′ 5″. 115 lbs. long hair, but why the great body NOW?! Lol

Denise: most people don’t want to believe because they just don’t want to…its hard to stop eating the stuff that taste good but will give you a quick death….how many people make negative comments that have family members who are suffering from the fatty meals that they have on a regular bases….he can’t help assist people to heal here in the US…why because they will try to convince people that he is wrong….and if you accept the fact that herbs are for healing….and don’t try it…how will you ever know……his fb page has many people who have been healed….it’s that simple…..but you got to be willing to change your diet………

Pookiroo: the majority of people can’t afford to go to Usha, so what is plan B? In fact, most people can’t even afford the herbs, so what is plan C?  If Dr, Sebi or anyone else really wants to help “their” people maybe they should recommend something accessible to them.  Heck most people can’t even afford the food. I saw a black girl in the supermarket the other day and her friend told her to get a cantaloupe and she responded that she couldn’t get it because she couldn’t afford it.  Don’t mean to be a troublemaker, but that’s the reality.  What r steps that people can take that can bring them better health – a reasonable option they can afford.  Is health only for the rich?

Khadijah : He ate NO FOOD AT ALL for months to cleanse, only fruits herbs and vegetables and water. That’s all the body needs but this is only recommended if you have low energy and physical ailments that prevent you from doing things you want/need to do.

Curly: I think he meant anything  that is not natural should not enter your body.

BitchAss: I wonder if he has a cure for hair loss/receding hairline?

MLV: See msm is a supplement but Dr Sebi has a product for you on his website.

PlanetDisaster: I really love everything he talks about, have been watching his videos he has opened my eyes, I feel bad because he has had such a hard time in this path he is on, I wish he had answered about the hair loss the lady asked about, or did I miss the answer?


Elaine: Any man who feels the need to warn another man of his fate of the black woman … definitely couldn’t believe in Father God. Now my impression of this (that is if I’m understanding correctly) Tommy Sotomayor has a daughter that is by a black mother.  So just maybe he was not satisfied in his black relationship.  It would woo me to hear his daughter mother’s side of his story.  Since he is certainly crucifying his own flesh and blood. 

Trust this  Mr. Sotomayor.  No matter how you dress it up, point out detail, keep it straight.  You are still disrespecting your child.  Warning!!!! This day and time man of such iniquity, could prove fetal for your blackbitchbeasty daughter.  Your words.  We could assume no man would be that foolish.  Besides, don’t you know?  Any woman of any color looking for homicidal thrills, could easily destroy a life.  Think wisdom before you speak.  Because the same thing that makes you laugh could just be the same thing …that makes you cry.

Now what about Dr. Sebi? He expressed the appreciation for the logical truth.  No man has ever taught any child of this world naturally how to survive immediately after birth.   When we look at it this way Dr. Sebi is right.  You have to respect a man who gives such credits to the mother.  Not  of any particular color either.  However … to all women.  His mother just happens to be a black woman.  So let’s tip off our hats to a creative mind with a positive attitude toward special recognition. Applauding the quality of a good leader. That’s our focus here on the “Couch”.








Out and In again…


We have a situation for the Couch.

Hello my name is Ashley I’ve been married for five years. I met my husband in church. We would go two or three times a week. Then we traded our religion in for clubbing and casinos. I’ve been back in church for about four months , but my husband seems to become angry any time I bring up Jesus Christ or church business. It’s getting so bad until I’m considering leaving him. I would never put my husband over my God. What advice does the couch give?

Thanks Ashley … I’m taking it to the Sofa.  Give me a couple of days to get you  some stable advice.


Our prayers are with you both.  Hope this helps….


Janice: Meditate on I Peter 3:1-2 (Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, maybe won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear) and trust God’s leading. The world and some in the body of Christ will tell you different, but if you want God to move in your marriage and change you, then trust Him!

Iris: Never put your husband before God. But don’t leave your husband. He’s lost his way and he now needs you. You know where your strength comes from. Don’t give up hold on. If you haven’t watched the movie War Room. Watch it. Pray for your husband to find his way back. This is your task. You remember the prodigal son. You have a great task to do. Don’t allow the devil to destroy what God has joined together. It’s going to be hard, but God is with you every step of the way. Don’t give up on your husband. Victory is yours for the taking. He will come back to the fold. Pray, pray, pray then when you are done pray some more.

Casey: Pray for him and continue to go to church. You cannot force a man to turn to God, all you can do is show him how good God is to you.

Beverly: Well the thing is, you both put clubbing and casino’s before God at one time, and now God has drawn you back to him, he will soon draw your husband back to him too.  Just continue to pray for your husband to be reunited with the Lord and be patient and don’t nag him, instead try showing him that you understand because you were with him at one point so remember when. I say keep the faith, hope and pray and I believe God will bring him back in out of the rain.

Here’s my  last take…

Elaine: Ashley … you’ve only been back in Church a short time darling. Faith is what you need more than anything ever .  What is Faith? Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Don’t give up on your husband.  You two will have a inspiring testimony.  Satan tried to distract your focus once.  However … father God has a plan for your family.  Don’t allow the devil to win.  His mission is to … Steal… Kill…and  Destroy. Stay strong in your walk with Christ and wait on Father God.  Just keep an open mind.  Like we do here on the “Couch”.

Don’t forget if you have something to Say … Seek … or Sell.  Try it on "The Marriage Couch".
Remember. Success is only One Way… Up.


Get Caught up on the Austin Null Scandal

We have to remember even though Austin Null and his family are very popular on the YouTube channel, have over 350,000 subscribers and are spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ .  Austin Null is caught up … in a bad scandal. 

If you were unsure about the existence of Father God, this could be the evidence …That he’s genuinely real. It was mentioned in the video how some felt Austin had become a bit over inflated … with “good ole pride”.  Which is the same fate that caused Lucifer to fall.  But with Father God ‘s  … Mercy & Grace, he can display his love worldwide …  for the Nulls.


We had a few more questions. We will never know the full truth and she claims that she doesn’t even know. Is this truly the mistress? Is she being honest about the images and footage being leaked? You be the judge.


We know John 10:10… The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  Obviously what he’s trying to do with these young Christians.  We have to remember….Austin Null is not Father God … Only used by him.  So please, be really careful how you judge.

Have “Tali Love”  Haters gone too far?



One Way Production; which is a sponsor of … “The Marriage Couch” is striving to become one of the highest leading podiums for “Counselor’s Expertise”.  This means worldwide advertising which could contribute to enormous exposure for our professionals.





Along with that …We also aspire to be a blessing to our community.  Lifting a helping hand  when  needed .   So.  Please, give if you can.  Your love, support, and prayers can go a long way toward helping us help each other.   Rather…  Minor calamity or major catastrophes.  We want to be there.  If you would like to donate, volunteer or know of someone in need, please feel free to contribute. Thanks again in advance for your generous support.


Don’t forget if you have something to Say … Seek … or Sell.  Try it on “The Marriage Couch”.


Remember. Success is only One Way… Up.









Time for a Bigger Sofa.


God instructed man to be fruitful and multiply…. Only I have no wife or kids?

Do you feel like you haven’t accomplished every task as a man or woman made in the Image of God? Feelings of Guilt or Shame for not executing that one demand from Father God? “Marry and create a  family”.

Well,  Rather it be of choice or  no wrong doing from you?  Know you are not in control! Our footsteps are led by Father God.  The question is : Do you trust him?


Please follow me now, and let me teach you  a  word of wisdom from our Father God in Jesus Precious name….

1 Corinthians 7:6 -9

6: But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.

in other words Paul is saying this comes from me and not from Father God.

7: For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.

meaning … I wish everyone was single like me.  But I know every man has his own gift from God.  Father God has blessed some to get married and some to stay single.

8: I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

meaning … the single people whose always been single & the ones whose spouses have departed, I think its a great life to stay single

9: But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

meaning … before you burn up with “lust and emotions”….It’s better to marry and have sex,  as oppose  to staying excited.


As you can see….Father God have  many unmarried children.

Join us on the "Couch"  as we explore actual circumstances from real people.  With real life problems.   Solving each conflict one by one and realizing , just who or what we are.  Father God has great parables meant also for our generation.


Bring it to the Couch.  “Let’s Pray about it”.

I have a situation concerning my best friend. We’ve been friends since grammar school.  We both have married, but our husbands accuse us of having a sexual relationship.  It’s so hurtful.  How do we get them to stop it?

Best answers from the Couch:

Carolyn: Your husbands are trying to make you feel exactly like they’re doing. They are envious of your relationship with each other.  They are afraid to allow your heads to come together for any substantial amount of time.  Which makes one curious as to … Why do the men have such trust issues?

Wanda: Continue to be close and ignore what they are saying.  Especially if it’s not causing any rift in the marriages.  Invite them more than before … to join you.  Soon, it will die down or you four, will  experience some great times together.


“Check this video out  … R Rated … Heavy Cursing”.

Here’s what the community is saying:

Derrick: My sentiments exactly, why stay and everyone is miserable!

Elaine: I pray this will change her…

Barbara: So embarrassing! JESUS help them!!!!

Elaine: That man is hurt…Don’t see that too much.

Barbara: He acts like he loved her. That’s why the woman that gets him next gone catch hell with him.

Elaine : Nope…He’s about to get a good wife. So many women looking for a man like him.

Charlotte: Naw, he is messed up now. She also need help!

Elaine: Now. Depending on what he believes in; I think he may be finished with black women…but you can tell, he’s ready to have a lasting relationship.

Charlotte: Like you said. It depends on what he believes

Elaine: You can tell he’s been trying to make it work with her. He feels at this point … She’s a hopeless case. Now, he wants to shame her before he leaves.  I don’t know what she’s thinking … Married women aren’t usually this sloppy. That’s normally a side chick’s thing. They all backwards.

Charlotte: If she has been doing the things he says she has, she need individual counseling to determine the root cause of her actions. There is always two sides to the story. Just observing her reactions to his allegations, there may be some abuse going on. He could also use individual counseling. As far as the relationship is concerned, the first thing is to determine if they want to save the marriage? If not, they both need help through the healing process or they will take that baggage over into their next relationships. I am willing to bet that the worst is yet to come!

Elaine: Charlotte I think you’re calling that one in a nutshell. But what I did notice … she whine, but no tears. Which could mean she’s not too afraid. Just going through the routine before he forgives her. I can tell he has put up with a lot from her. She sure…just like a female … when it’s reversed … He’s not going anywhere.

Charlotte: It would be hard for me to determine that. First of all people react differently under pressure. For him to go to the extreme of airing their dirty laundry for the world to see is either desperation for help or an audition for a movie role.

Elaine: Charlotte when he says … She did it before. Now. She has traveled here to do it to me again. Then he says … I’m only doing this to show you, what you’re getting before I leave. She seem to play the innocent role who don’t understand and variable. But look in her eyes when he puts the camera in her face. She is not frighten. The eyes don’t lie. They are the windows to the soul.  She’s afraid of losing her meal ticket. He even tells her what her daddy said … and how, she’s going to hell if she doesn’t stop.

Charlotte: Well. I only here what he is saying. She is not allowed to speak. Regardless to whose fault it is to publically humiliate and verbally abuse her like that speaks volumes to me regarding his character. Two wrongs don’t make a right and it certainly does not make him a Man.

Elaine: That’s true. But, I really hope this is where it ends.

Barbara: Dr Elaine  & Dr Charlotte  he’s very upset @ her bcuz he knows of the trash on the chat lines. She may have did it thinking he’d never find out.BT y’all know if u can’t find food u can find sex! I am a witness ppl come from different states looking for new sex. Booty,sex, a min & boom! Here you come all the way from another state!! BT the way she put her hands up shows there’s abuse. That’s the old” I’m not sure where u gone hit my face guard”. I think if it’s not ova it should cuz she won’t b able to make a move without him tripping.

Charlotte: Let me just say this. My position is not to judge who is right or wrong or if she did what he said. I don’t take his side or her side. What I see is a dysfunctional relationship in need of either restoration or total elimination which is based on the amount of damage and if the couple are willing to make it work. I work for a third party. Not the husband or the wife. I only see troubled souls.

Elaine: Barbara I don’t think he abuses her. She’s just embarrassed with him putting her on blast. He may have been slapping on her in the past. I just don’t read that in his spirit. He’s very angry, yes. But seems more to me like he’s looking for his last options to stop her. What he’s trying to do is, shame her before the guy.

Charlotte: I’m not saying what she did was right. But video speaks for itself. He just verbally abused her openly. How can you say you don’t believe he abuse her?

Elaine: She was on the internet when she got caught openly. To me, its fair game. Now I admit… he did do a lot of cursing. But if everybody was considered abusive, who curses when they get angry with a spouse…. then I’m guilty of being abusive to mine.

Charlotte: What I do know is people get upset when you treat dogs like that. Sometimes when you truly love someone you have to have the strength to walk away. It is obvious that he has been hurt. If she has a history of hurting him and he continue to allow it then he clearly has deep rooted issues as well.

Elaine: He puts me in the mind of a God fearing man. See. When you mad, the real you come out. He’s not saying I’m gone beat yo ass.  As a matter of fact…He said he was packing and she crying begging him not to go.  So he did this show, for the dude .  He start explaining to her how the subject of sex… causes trouble.  Not to mention the difference in friends of married people.  That’s not abuse to me.  More like tough love.  Teaching his wife because he’s not leaving. He still believe in her.  Telling her Father God will stop her.  She  has just disappointed him…Maybe for the last time.

Charlotte: In my personal opinion. It is a unhealthy relationship and could eventually lead to someone being physically hurt without some professional intervention. Sometimes people can get so use to walking sideways until it becomes the norm for them. They learn to live with the actually becomes a part of their life.

 Elaine: Yep Charlotte: Very unhealthy relationship… In fact the Bible calls it … unequally yoked. Apparently she wasn’t serious about her vows. Lots of people get married for the wrong reasons. Surely she don’t love him, not as a husband. Sometimes it just takes longer for the other person to face it.

Charlotte: Well, the last thing I can do is say what they think or are trying to do without talking to them myself. Like it’s not about what I think anyway. It’s about two individuals who are clearly in trouble waters.  Rather they get back together or not. People should learn how to communicate like rational adults and not animals. If he is a God fearing man. I don’t know what God he is fearing? Surely not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because I don’t remember anything in the word of God supporting the way he’s treated her in public. Again I’m not saying she was right. Sounds like they both contributed to the big ball on confusion.

Elaine: None of what we say is set in stone. But he did put it out there for us to discuss it…  Hopefully it will help someone. As a matter of fact, it’s several people who uses that glide. My husband do…now that I think about it.  Maybe I better go see where he’s been gliding too.  Hope he wasn’t talking to my man…Bye

I left my wife for a younger woman, now I’m living like a prisoner’- Man shares his story


Could this be their end?

My name is Sandra and I would like to bring something to the Couch. I subscribe to a reality show on YouTube called “The Nive Nulls” which currently has over 350.000 viewers.  It’s about an interracial married couple who has a beautiful relationship with Jesus Christ. Recently the husband, Austin Null was caught on the internet showing his genital and master bating.    Which he is now asking forgiveness from his wife.  But his acts has caused the Null’s to lose subscribers.  Can they recover from this? What does the Couch think?

Here are some videos to  get the Couch caught up…

Sorry …Tali begun to receive threats …She removed  the video.  0000000tali

(New Up-date on Tali)


Well Sandra.   I’ve taken it to the Couch … Give me 48 hours to select reputable responses.

Check out the Interviews with “Austin’s Alleged Mistress” CLICK HERE

This is what the Couch thought….

Iris : My opinion is within their marriage yes, they can recover. If their marriage is built on God’s foundation and they are living their lives to please God then yes they will recover. If you are asking about them getting subscribers back probably not so much. People judge harshly. Therefore once a person have a perception of another person regardless of them wanting or trying to change that perception it will always be in the back of that person’s mind. He will always be judged on his action. But recovering within their marriage is what’s most important. He has to ask God for forgiveness. He has to ask his wife for forgiveness. Most of all he has to forgive himself. He has to understand how his actions have affected his marriage and they will start the healing process from there. They can recover from anything with God.

Charlotte: I believe that if their marriage is built on God’s foundation and they are living their lives to please God, the marriage will survive. All things are possible with God. However, there are consequences to our actions. If they are truly Children of God, the husband knows he is dealing with a stronghold (sexual addiction) and need deliverance that only God can provide. Sure the husband asking forgiveness from God, his wife and forgiving himself would be a start, but I would have to questions … such as; how long has he been engaging in the acts, how long has the wife known about it, has the couple sought wise counseling(Biblical). Because until the addiction is dealt with, they are sitting targets for the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy!


Elaine: Here’s my take toward the whole issue. Now this will sound strange to some and many of you will call me dumb.  But, it’s how I feel.   I think the only thing Austin Null is guilty of is … Bringing a big fat fantasy to life.

Matthew 7:5 says: “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”      

Who can say they have never been guilty of fantasizing? Having a choice as a married woman; I would rather deal with an internet affair versus a physical one.  So what do I say?  Get rid of the internet & get rid of the affair?  In a sense yes.    Satan tried to ruin this family.  But as you see, Father God intertwined and brought it to the surface before it could go any farther.  See.  When you are a child of God, you give up your choice of intervention.  After all that’s who get the credit in the end. The Nulls are used on a multimedia Platform  created by Father God. Never forget … All blessings comes from him.   

I’m not saying that Austin is right in what he did, but he can be used. Not only by Father God or Satan but also “His Peers”.  Austin was married at a very young age and started a big family rather quickly.  At some point you think about what you may have missed. I know because I’ve been there.  Believe it or not it’s not what you’ve missed, but what others tell you, you’ve missed.  Peers can work on a mind.  So people before we throw Austin under the bus …Let’s focus on our own issues then … what he did. Austin is a human online all day talking to millions of people.  This could happen to any of us.  Difference.  Austin got called out.


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