Is Brian Carn a false Prophet?


Check this out then see what’s considered from the Couch.

Miz Justice: I keep telling people, and I will shout it from every mountaintop, that Brian Carn is a FALSE PROPHET!! I don’t know what other proof they need. Stop letting this man rob you and seduce you into attending his events. He just wants to get you there so he can get your money.

TRE MAN: Is this true? Man I want believe this.


Miz Justice: TRE MAN unfortunately, this is a very true story.

ancel19612 : Miz Justice…WOW…This was a great catch.  Brian Carn must believe Cheryl Lynn is his lord.  That guy and his followers are nuttier than Fruit Cakes.

TRE MAN: Sad situation.

ancel19612 : Miz Justice…You’re doing a good job of warning people about Brian Carn and other Pulpit Pimps … Keep in mind though, there will always be real live people who behave the same as the character (Cypher from The Matrix film). These real life Cypher’s will fiercely fight your every attempt to wake them from their delusional worlds.

Sandy: That Is Not GOD! It’s Not Your Assignment or Your Calling to Do So! You’re Already Walking in Error! Stop For Destruction Hits You! Pray For Your Brothers And Sisters! Not Kill And Prey In Them! Bye Lost Soul/Child.

Miz Justice: Please provide scripture for what you are saying. Otherwise, please have a seat. You make absolutely no sense.

Sandy: Girl You More Than Anybody Needs To Go Take A Seat! Your Video Don’t Make No Sense! She Could Of Copy Him And Then You Post It. Bye! LOST Is Where You AT.  BYE SMH.  All You Killing People With “False Prophet” What Else Is On Trial.

Miz Justice: It only makes no sense to the ignorant. But we have already been over this. Have a nice life.

Israel : Miz Justice you have no idea what you’re helping promote in the spirit realm. Satan is MAD!!!! And you are being used to cause division and DISTRACTION. I pray God opens your spiritual eyes!

Keith: Miz Justice you can’t believe everything you see on TV. If you are truly a child of God you must use discernment and not make assumptions just because of what is on social Media. The devil and prophesy however he had different’ motives. The psychic uses money however Carn cares about the ministry of God. This is all Spiritual Girl and you have to see that. The Devil is tricky don’t believe this. But know the man for yourself instead of Social Media!

Pistol: Miz Justice Please continue to post stuff. I am a Christian and I am fully behind you, there is nothing wrong with what you’re doing, we need more people like you. IDKY other Christian are against you. THE BIBLE TELL US TO TRY THE SPIRIT…. TIME TO WAKE UP.

Mel G: Miz Justice Jer 23:25-29 (NIV) I saw your post on FB and never heard of this guy. Watching it made me sick. There are so many false prophets. I suppose this guy is running out of ideas of his own and following mediums now to fool people. You want to hear a true man of god… Pastor Ford in Chicago.

NB: I don’t care to go checking dates, but it’s VERY clear since it’s just about word for word that someone is copying. If someone is idolizing Carn, they aren’t going to want  to believe this no matter what proof is presented. But most importantly whether he made this serious mistake or not we need to PRAY FOR HIM, and not get caught in gossip.

So …What ‘s my  closing opinion?


Elaine: I say remember Proverbs 6:16-19  Mainly … Sowing discord among brethren being an abomination.   Let me explain something to you all.  It really doesn’t matter who spoke the words first.  What makes the difference is …Did the prophecy come to pass?  Check those facts and realize no man can predict Father God words.  Whom he uses to deliver is always the souls which are in his will.  Some see the clairvoyant as false prophets…but both spoke the prophecy of God.  So please…Be very careful when judging or pointing the finger at God’s  disciples.   Because we really don’t know whom they are.  This is just one last  thought from the “Couch”.