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When should I introduce my kids to our new relationship? Is there a time for them to say: Daddy or Mama?

As a parent, you know your child better than anyone. If you have children under the age of five…  There’s never a set time to reveal.  At this stage parents are still very much in control. Little kids will easily adapt to new people.

Even so.  Make sure you test the interactions of this potential mate “parental skills “every once in a while…    Creating compromising situations… concerning the children of course.   Be observant and very clever making sure not to endanger your children in any way.  People will say or do anything to get what they want.  “Pray constantly and please, keep Father God for guidance”.

On the other hand, we all know teens can be a bit more demanding.  Especially if they’re an only child.  Your decision will bear on the remainder of their life.   Nowadays, depending on which big “D” made you single (divorced or death) will specify the right time frame.

If divorce is the perpetrator, then your teen should be in control.  Sometimes, attitudes can linger on… until they become adults.  Also, there is a father for them to interact with.  Many keep hope alive for a reconciliation.  If you do decide to make it official… Plan on a long engagement.

Normally, if death has been the subject.  Usually, teenagers are more open to a new daddy or mommy figure.  Most healthy teenagers will want what’s best for their parents.  Remember as I always say… Allow Father God to guide you.


 Is This a True Fact?


That dry cereal  was created with adults in mind.  An average six oz bowl in milk will give children under five,  more nutrients than required?

Check out what the “Couch” found:


              CLICK HERE








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Out of the Mouth of Babes

Elaine: This baby is incredible. If only grown –ups would listen to her.  She has so much to say.   Her heart is amazing.  The innocence and sincerity she displays.  Explaining things in such detail where anyone can understand.  She’s definitely going to change the world somehow. What am I saying?  She has already made a difference. Hats off to this young lady.  Could not have said it better myself.

Lima Lou: When I say this baby is so sweet, adorable and has so much wisdom in that little bitty body. Mom, you’ve done well. God Bless you and your family and may you all find the peace, love and kindness that she seeks.

Ruthann: This little girl is unbelievable from the mouth of babes a lot of wisdom went into those couple minutes and a lot of heart. So when you feel a little crazy just settle down just settle down have a good day everyone!

John: I just don’t know what to say wow little girl stand in our homes behind our closed doors and speak these awesome words of wisdom speak them into our churches it’s almost like Jesus speaking to us through this little girl. Yes it made me feel emotional there are many who I wish could listen to this.

Maritsa: From the mouth of a babe! What an inspiration. You are a true princess with a beautiful heart. If only we as adults could understand what this 6 year old does this world would be a much better place.

Tamara : *Omg I just wanna hug her and kiss her little sweet cheeks she melts my GOD I WISH all kids could have a heart like this and remain that way forever !!!Then there would be less evil people in the world!! Can you imagine living in a world with more people just like her Good job parents.

Eli: My goodness that must be the smartest and sweetest little girl I’ve ever seen.

Cynthia: Wow, now that was a pep talk with love. That’s our future and kudos to mom and dad for what they’ve instilled in this little girl. I pray that their family circle remains intact and stronger than ever. Wish I could give that little girl a hug.

Lovette: “Very intelligent baby girl. She’s been here before the old people use to say. Making more sense than most teenagers. I’m not gonna  belittle nobody that’s grown. But she’s a smart lil angel here to give a definitely positive message to her mom n others about being responsible adults in raising kids without the extra stuff.

Sandra: OMG … This may inspire mom and dad to work out their differences.  Raising a beautiful heart as this child has, it’s got to be a misunderstanding causing this relationship to crumble.  Whatever happened … I pray they work it out.  We need more parents rearing little angles like this.


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